Completely Free Dating Sites Over 50

Are you a senior who is looking for some friends or some romance in your life?

Or, confused if there are any free dating sites over 50, then this article is for you.

Welcome to Free Dating For Over 50s. Free dating for over 50s is an online dating site for single men and women over 50 looking for friendship, a relationship and love. Online dating is for single people of all ages and has proved itself to be a successful method of people finding love. Our site is designed for single people over 50 so why not try a site dedicated to you and what you want rather than a general dating site? Pay a dating site designed for is completely free mature dating over 50 dating and women use a free. With users online forum and see that meet men dating websites for over looking for seniors to get the over-50 crowd.

There is a huge number of dating sites for teenagers and adults, senior citizens shouldn’t feel left out.

And, with grown-up kids, and heading to retirement, most seniors don’t have as many responsibilities as they once did.

List of Free Dating Sites Over 50 Males & Females

If you are a divorcee, a widow, or widowed, or someone who has never been married, then there is still hope for you.


Everyone feels lonely at one point in time.

So, here I have found these free dating sites for over 50 to help you find similar singles who are looking for friendship or someone they can spend time with.


  • This is one of the best and free dating sites for seniors.
  • It provides a second chance at love to you or if you are late to the party called love.
  • It puts you through a lengthy questionnaire to know your personality and provide you with the best matches.
Free dating sites for over 50


  • One of the popular and best free dating sites for over 50 in 2021 males and females.
  • Suitable for a meaningful and long-lasting relationship.
  • It’s not exclusively made for senior dating, people from every age group are found here.


  • Another dating app for the seniors, and as the name suggests, it’s never late to find love.
  • It is a free dating site for seniors above 50 with 8 million senior users.
  • Meet people who love to do the same things you do. All it takes is 5 minutes for the registration.


  • This app isn’t exclusive to senior citizens, but you’ll find people from every age group above 18.
  • It’s a totally free online dating site with over 30 million downloads.


  • One of the oldest dating sites has been in use since 1995.
  • This long existence has made it possible for it to have a wide range of users.
  • It will take you just a few minutes to get the registration done.
  • Also, has a video chat feature for you to date online.


  • Another completely free dating site for all age groups above 18 and it won’t cost you a penny from registration to messaging.
  • has users from all around the world.
  • This free dating site comes with a unique feature to select the age group (range) to date or you’re intrested.

Senior Match

  • As the name suggests, is for seniors people above 50 only.
  • It’s a nice place to meet like-minded people, have conversations and make a connection if they like.
  • Matches are based on geographical locations, you can meet your match in real life, a smart feature IMO.


  • offers an intelligent matchmaking based on your education, profession, location and etc.
  • It serves all races, religions, and ages from more than 20 countries with over 13 million singles.
  • More than 85% of its members hold a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree, according to


  • dating app is strictly for over 50.
  • Here you can find singles over 50 for friendship, dating, or simple companionship.
  • It is based on your location so you can plan regular meet-ups and take part in activities.


  • If you’ve had a hard time in your past relationships, then this app provides you with a safe platform to meet like-minded people.
  • Whether you are looking for a friend or a romantic relationship, this app gives you the choice and helps you find what you need.


  • Another dating app is not exclusive to seniors only.
  • However,OkCupid does have a questionnaire to help you find what you’re looking for.
  • With its vast number of users, you can find yourself a partner (boyfriend/girlfriend).


  • Again not exclusive to 50+ people as it has users from every age group.
  • Bumble lets you match according to your preference in your area.
  • It provides a safe place for senior people who are queer.


  • Tinder is a free and a popular app (suitable for all age groups).
  • You can simply swipe through profiles to get matched.
  • If you want the additional features, the you can also pay for Tinder plus and Tinder Gold.

PlentyOfFish (

Totally Free Dating Sites Over 50 Uk

  • Another very popular Canadian online dating site with users of all ages.
  • You need to get through a short questionnaire to get matched with the best suits.
  • This app also provides you with some relationship advice to make your relationship successful.

Free Dating Sites For Seniors No Fees

  • is easy to use and provides an instant connection between seniors above 50.
  • It is safe and absolutely free, with no charges at all, where seniors can find potential or casual matches.

I hope these Free Dating Sites Over 50 help you find a serious or casual relationship of your choice. Because there is no age limit for love to happen.

Completely Free Dating Sites Over 50Completely Free Dating Sites Over 50

Frequently Asked Questions

100 Free Dating Sites For Over 50

  1. Is there any free dating site that you don’t have to pay for?

    Yes, there are plenty of them.Bumble, Zoosk, eHarmony, Match are some of the examples.

  2. Are there any truly free dating sites for seniors?

    Yes, there are many. LoveAgain, 50PlusClub, SeniorMatch,, etc are some of the free dating apps or sites.

Free dating sites can be a serious business. With a subscription service there is no charge for membership and communication options are unlimited. Free dating sites are useful when you want to begin a relationship, but don’t want to invest time in a relationship.
To use a free dating site all you have to do is sign up and provide basic information. The site will display an available list of matches that meet your requirements. You may be surprised at the people you find.

Completely Free Dating Sites Over 50

Your first few messages will be in